Production Angus Associates' Program
Every bull's first step to the sale pen is his calving ease. Every bull-to-be must first be born unassisted. Every calf is weighed at birth and again at weaning and evaluated for bull potential. Any calf with too much birth weight, not enough grow, or too much attitude will not make the bull pen. After weaning, bulls are fed a moderate ration. This allows them to express their genetic potential without getting too fat and compromising long term soundness or fertility. As yearlings the bulls are weighed, carcass ultra-sounded, vaccinated, and fertility checked by a vet. Finally, on approximately May 1, the bulls are ready to go to grass where they will adjust back to pasture life and get in shape, ready for cows.
Our Goals: 

*Calving Ease


*Moderate mature size

*Quiet Disposition

*Moderate Milk

*Carcass merit



*Structural Soundness

                  Looking Forward 

Along with actual performance data, we have incorporated the use of genomic testing in our selection process. DNA samples are submitted for every bull as well as every heifer in the keeper pen. This provides another set of data to help us identify the cream of the crop. 
Contact Dan Cook at 641-640-0031

All sale bulls undergo individual feed efficiency testing.